wListErstellen Sie Dateiliste
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wList lässt eine Liste von Dateien und Subfoldern vom bestimmten Folder bilden. Mit einem Klick können Sie eine Liste vom Inhalt einer CD-ROM, DVD, eines USB-Massenspeichers oder anderer Festplatten bilden. Sie können einfach durchsuchen oder diese Liste drucken.
wList ist einfacher als dir command (DOS).
Es unterstützt die Dateiennamen, die einen Unicode-Charakter beinhalten. Es läuft on Windows 2000/XP/Vista, Windows 7 und Windows 8.
Registrieren Sie sich kostenlos mit dieser Seriennummer: L20G-6I00-FREE-FREE-FREE
- Easy, fast creation of file lists, which can be saved to a text file or the Windows clipboard.
- Searching for files of specific types (filtering), e.g. searching for music, pictures, documents, or films.
- It's possible to skip specified types of files.
- Customizable list style.
- Access any file or containing folder directly from the list.
- National character support (Unicode, UTF-8)
Anwendung von wList
- Searching
- Essential for finding the file(s) you want when you have a lot of them.
How to search files from many CD/DVD discs at once?
How to list all video files? From hidden or temporary folders also!
- Printing
- You can print a directory list and use it - perhaps as a CD cover.
How to make a CD cover with table of contents?
- Documentation/Archiving (backup)
- Thanks to wList, you can easily document the contents of folders.
You can make a list of files before archiving them.
How to make a clickable file list?
- Playlists
- You can make a playlist and save it in M3U8 format.
How to create a complete playlist of all of your MP3 files?
wList is extremely useful if you have a large number of CDs or DVDs. After
saving a list of the contents of each disc one just once, you can choose to search
multiple lists at the same time, whenever you need to. You'll never need to try one CD after
another looking for the right file again.
Versuchen Sie die rechte Maustaste im Kontextmenü
You can create a file list with right click context menu.
Note, that list created by right click menu always is one level deep.
If you want to make deeper list, then you need to choose "List" button (F6) for generating list again.
Sie sparen Zeit
With wList, you can make simple file lists from large, complicated folders in
no time. Just choose the location holding all the files you want to list, and
click the 'List' button. All national and international characters are saved
wList has a very simple interface, and many carefully chosen features. Some
examples: wList makes it easy to tell how large files are, or to select a
default location to save your lists to.
You can open any file from the list with wList: just double click on the
filename to open and
view the selected file. To open the folder containing this file, double click
it while holding down the Ctrl key on your keyboard.
Sie haben Kontrolle
You can control the style of your list. There are 10 premade styles (8
as flat lists, and 2 as hierarchical trees); it is also easy for users to
configure custom styles.
For example, you can choose whether the list should include the file sizes,
and what criteria should be used to sort the file list.
You can control the content of your list by choosing to skip certain types of
files. You can choose to display only files, only folders, or both files and
folders. Folders can be nested (having one folder inside another; this contained
folder can also contain folders, etc). You can choose a maximum depth of
nested folders to display, or to list everything.
You can easily choose to list only files of certain types.
There are 12 pre-defined filters available:
JPG, MP3, archive files, audio, documents, executable files, pictures, music playlists, programming, text files, video files, and saved web pages.
Users can easily add custom filters, which are flexibly configurable.
The table below presents the default settings.
Standard-Filtereinstellungen (konfigurierbar)
All files |
It selects all files. |
Most files |
This option smartly chooses which files to display. It selects almost all files, but hides a few which usually aren't interesting:
Thumbs.db, *.bak, *.lnk, *.~* |
*.jpg, *.jpeg |
MP3 & Similar |
*.mp3, *.aac, *.m4a, *.wma |
Archive |
*.7z, *.arc, *.arj, *.bzip2, *.cab, *.chm, *.cpio, *.gz, *.gzip, *.iso, *.lzh, *.msi, *.rar, *.rpm, *.sea, *.sit, *.sitx, *.tar, *.wim, *.z, *.zip |
Audio |
*.aac, *.ac3, *.aif, *.aif, *.aiff, *.ape, *.atrac, *.au, *.au, *.dss, *.dts, *.dvf, *.flac, *.gsm, *.iff, *.m4a, *.m4p, *.mid, *.midi, *.mka, *.mp1, *.mp2, *.mp3, *.mpa, *.msv, *.ogg, *.oma, *.omg, *.ra, *.ram, *.vox, *.wav, *.wma |
Documents |
*.abw, *.doc, *.docx, *.dot, *.mdb, *.mde, *.odb, *.odc, *.odf, *.odg, *.odi, *.odm, *.odp, *.ods, *.odt, *.pdf, *.pot, *.ppt, *.pptx, *.ps, *.qxd, *.qxp, *.rtf, *.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlt |
Executable |
*.bat, *.com, *.exe |
Pictures |
*.ai, *.bmp, *.dds, *.drw, *.dxf, *.eps, *.gif, *.icn, *.ico, *.icon, *.indd, *.j2c, *.j2k, *.jfi, *.jfif, *.jif, *.jiff, *.jng, *.jp2, *.jpc, *.jpe, *.jpeg, *.jpf, *.jpg, *.jpx, *.jtf, *.mng, *.pct, *.pdn, *.png, *.psd, *.psp, *.svg, *.tga, *.tif, *.tiff, *.xbm |
Playlist |
*.asx, *.b4s, *.m3u, *.m3u8, *.pls, *.wax, *.wmx, *.wpl, *.xspf |
Programming |
*.adb, *.ada, *.ads, *.asm, *.bas, *.bb, *.bmx, *.c, *.cbl, *.cc, *.cgi, *.cls, *.cob, *.cpp, *.cs, *.csproj, *.cxx, *.d, *.dpr,
*.e, *.efs, *.egt, *.el, *.f, *.f77, *.f90, *.for, *.frm, *.frx, *.ftn, *.ged, *.gm6, *.gmd, *.gmk, *.gml, *.h, *.hpp, *.hs, *.hxx,
*.inc, *.java, *.js, *.jsp, *.l, *.lisp, *.m, *.m4, *.ml, *.n, *.p, *.pas, *.php, *.php3, *.php4, *.php5, *.phps, *.phtml, *.piv, *.pl,
*.pm, *.pp, *.prg, *.py, *.rc, *.rc2, *.resx, *.s, *.sce, *.sci, *.scm, *.skb, *.skc, *.skd, *.skf, *.skg, *.ski, *.skk, *.skm, *.sko, *.skp,
*.skq, *.sks, *.skt, *.skz, *.sln, *.spin, *.stk, *.vap, *.vb, *.vbg, *.vbp, *.vbproj, *.vbs, *.vcproj, *.vdproj, *.vip, *.y |
Text |
*.log, *.txt |
Video |
*.3gp, *.asf, *.avi, *.divx, *.dv, *.flv, *.m1v, *.m2ts, *.m2v, *.m4v, *.mkv, *.mov, *.mp4, *.mpe, *.mpeg, *.mpg, *.mts, *.ogm, *.qt, *.rm, *.ts, *.vob, *.wmv |
Web |
*.asp, *.chm, *.css, *.dhtml, *.htm, *.html, *.jhtml, *.js, *.jsp, *.jspx, *.mht, *.mhtml, *.php, *.php3, *.php4, *.php5, *.phtml, *.rhtml, *.rjs, *.sht, *.shtm, *.shtml, *.xht, *.xhtml |
User defined |
You can define your own search criteria. |
Wo sind meine MP3-Musikdateien?!
With wList, you can create a list of all the MP3 songs on your hard disk or on
a CD or DVD. To listen to any MP3 file on the list, just double-click it.
wList allows you to immediately access the folders which contain the files you
found. You can use this feature to help organize your music files.
Aside from MP3 files, wList also indexes other popular types of sound files, such as WAV, WMA, and AAC files.
Create a complete list of all of your music files!
Ich habe meine Bilder gespeichert. Wo sind sie jetzt?!
It's often difficult to find the file you want on a CD or DVD. With wList,
you no longer have to waste time browsing through various folders, looking for
your pictures; you'll find your photos much faster. wList can easily create a
list of all of the pictures on your disc, and of the folders that contain
them. To view a picture, just double click on its name in the list.
Aside from JPG pictures, wList indexes other popular graphics file formats, such as PNG, GIF, and BMP.
Find all the photos you're looking for, whether they're on your old CD/DVD
archive discs, on your USB pen drive or camera, or on your hard disk!
wList - Stichworte
wlist, Dateiliste, Liste von Dateien, dir, Dateiliste, Dateiliste erstellen, Liste der Dateien, Dateilisten , Dateiliste, Verzeichnis auflisten, Liste Ordner, eine Datei suchen, finden Datei finden Sie Dateien, Dateisuche, Suche von Dateien, Verzeichnis Lister, Verzeichnis Drucker, Ordner, Drucker, Dateiliste Schöpfer, Unicode.
Kurze Anleitung zu den verwendeten Abkürzungen
AAC: Advanced Audio Coding; a type of lossy audio compression, used for sound files - successor of the MP3 format.
BMP: bitmap; a type of image file.
CD: compact disc; sometimes redundantly called "CD disc".
DVD: digital video disc; sometimes redundantly called "DVD disc".
GIF: Graphics Interchange Format; a type of image file.
JPEG: Joint Picture Experts Group; a format for storing pictures. It is frequently also called JPG, because of the historical 3-character limit on file extensions under Windows.
M3U File format that stores multimedia playlists.
M3U8: The unicode version of M3U. When you save file list as m3u8, wList always save it as UTF-8 without BOM (Byte Order Mark).
MP3: MPEG Layer 3; a type of lossy audio compression, used for sound files - usually music files.
PNG: Portable Network Graphics; a type of image file.
WAV: Waveform audio format; a lossless way to store audio.
WMA: Windows Media Audio; another way to store sounds.
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